Odenton Genial Genealogists

Welcome To The Odenton Genial Genealogists!

More information is on our Facebook Group page.
Our Library holdings may be found HERE
The Odenton Genial Genealogists (OGG) is a group of senior citizens interested in searching for and learning about their ancestors.  Our meetings are varied, but revolve around learning how to do genealogical research and sharing our experiences.  We might have a member or outside lecturer, discuss our personal roadblocks or breakthroughs, share an article, learn about holdings in genealogy libraries, go on a field trip to various libraries to see their genealogical holdings or see a demonstration of a website or software.  Discussions are lively, informative and above all genial!
Schedule:  We meet at the O’Malley Senior Center Annex in Odenton every Monday at 1:00 p.m.  except for holidays or when the Anne Arundel County school system is closed due to inclement weather.  Meetings end before 3:00 p.m.   Some members arrange to come early or stay late for extra assistance or to use the library.
Membership:  Joining the OGG is as easy as attending a meeting and completing a contact information form.  Membership to the Anne Arundel Department of Aging (which is free to anyone over 55) is required to become a member of OGG.  Membership in OGG is continuous until you stop attending for an extended period of time or tell us that you wish to withdraw.
Library:  The OGG maintains back issues of some genealogy magazines, as well as managing a collection of books and CDs.  Materials are kept in our library at the O’Malley Annex and may be borrowed by members.  A listing of our holdings can be found on our website.  Our Librarian keeps a log for signing materials in and out.  All items should be returned in a timely manner; usually the next week. Our library holdings can be found HERE.
Dues:  There are no dues, but most members give a small donation at meetings they attend (50 cents or a dollar is the usual amount).  These funds help to support our speakers/lecturers, library, printing and other activities.
Communications:  Schedules, membership lists and other information are generally shared via email which we collect on your membership sheet the first day you visit.  If you do not have email, you can usually pick up printed copies of anything you have missed at the next meeting you attend.
Website:  Information is posted on our website at https://odentongg.org
Field Trips and Luncheons:  Other events may substitute for a regular meeting.  We may arrange a field trip to a research library or other research facility.  If a month has five Mondays, our Social Event Coordinator may make lunch arrangements at a restaurant with an ethnic theme (Italian, Irish, German, etc.) as a meeting substitute and to give us a chance to socialize.  Participation for such events is voluntary and each person normally pays for their own lunch.
Computer Tutoring:  Much genealogy work is done with computers from research to organizing information to publishing.  We have a Computer Tutoring Committee that provides training at meetings and some private assistance.
Brick Wall Committee:  Members who have been with the club for a period of time have the opportunity to present a “Brick Wall” to our Brick Wall Committee for interactive assistance with the researcher.  Sometimes the Wall is breached and sometimes the help is in the form of new ideas or methods for research.
Library:  The OGG maintains various subscriptions to genealogy magazines, as well as managing a collection of books and CDs.  Materials are kept in our library at the O’Malley Annex and may be borrowed by members.  A listing of our holdings can be found on our website.  Our Librarian keeps a log for signing materials in and out.  All items should be returned in a timely manner; usually the next week. Our library holdings can be found HERE.
We welcome new members and are pleased to have you join us.  If you have questions or would like to check our meeting schedule or discuss the group, please contact one of the following officers:
President:           Don Graham
1st VP:                 Kathy Korin
2nd VP:                Ken Vogt
Secretary            Karen Lindley
Treasurer            Judy Degreenia
Registrar             Rick Bosley
And general informational requests at Info@odentongg.org

Genealogy Week at Harford County Public Library
January 27, 2025
6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Please register for each program separately.   Monday 27 Jan DNA: Just Beyond the Basics   Tuesday 28 Jan Walk Where Your Ancestors Walked:   Thursday ...

American Ancestors Virtual Open House
January 29, 2025
3:00 pm
Presented by Kathleen MacKenzie & Rhonda R. McClure Learn More and Register   During the open house you will learn how the databases, genealogists, and ...

MGS-MPT 2 hour webinar "Finding the Last Enslaver"
February 5, 2025
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
In celebration of Black History Month, the Maryland Genealogical Society is partnering with Maryland Public Television to offer a special two-hour webinar, Finding the Last ...

Super Sleuth Strategies for Finding the Original Source
February 5, 2025
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Katy Bodenhorn Barnes, Director of Genealogical Programs and Services at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, will be our speaker.  She has nearly 10 years experience ...

What’s Been Done: Using Someone Else’s Genealogy Research
February 12, 2025
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Presented by Thomas MacEntee Whether you are new to genealogy or you’ve been working on your family history for years, incorporating the research of others ...